Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

International Partners

  • ANR-NSF project MCM-NL (2016-2020, PI John Hale [Cornell University, USA], resp. for Inria Paris / ALMAnaCH: EVdLC) Topic: exploring correlations between data from neuro-imagery (fMRI, EEG) and data from NLP tools (mostly parsers). The data will come from “Le Petit Prince” read in French and English, and parsed with different parsers. Other partners: Cornell Univ., Univ. Michigan, Paris Saclay/Neurospin, Univ. Paris 8. Informal collaborations:

  • The SPMRL initiative (Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages): a worldwide network of internationally renowned teams that was initiated during the IWPT’09 conference ALPAGE organised in Paris, DS playing a leading role since then. Other institutions involved include the University of Heidelberg (Germany), Bar Ilan University (Israel), Potsdam University (Germany) and Indiana University (USA). The outcomes of this initiative include the successful SPMRL Workshop and Shared Task series hosted successively by NAACL-HLT (2010), IWPT (2011), ACL (2012), EMNLP (2013), CoLing (2014) and IWPT (2015), in which DS as well as other ALPAGE/ALMAnaCH members played an active role. DS also served as a co-editor of a special issue of Computational Linguistics on this topic.

  • Sofer Mahir (“fast scribe”) project. Joint work on the computational processing of Rabbinic Hebrew manuscripts involving DSBE: Nachum Dershowitz (Tel Aviv University, Israel), Moshe Koppel (DICTA, Bar Ilan University, Israel), Meni Adler (DICTA, Ben Gurion University, Israel), Michael Elhadad (Ben Gurion University, Israel) on the NLP side and Hayim Lapin (University of Maryland, USA), Tal Ilan (FU Berlin, Germany) Shamma Friedmann (Bar Ilan University, Israel) on morphological analysis of Rabbinic Hebrew, alignment of manuscript witnesses (textual criticism), finding parallels, aligning related but different texts (like the Gospels). This work is also connected to the LAKME project mentioned above.